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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dream of Lamp

If you dreamt of carrying a lamp, all worries and sufferings will be over, and you are able to make intimate friend.

If you dreamt of a lot of people carrying lamp, you will be famous.

If you dreamt of you house is dazzling bright with light, you will be rich.

If you dreamt of very dim light, will get sick.

If you dreamt about rowing a boat and saw light coming from far, you will be wealthy.

If you dreamt of a lamp repeatedly lights on and off, a relative will pass away.

If you dreamt of a lamp sudden bright and sudden dim, your life will be alternating with good times and bad times.

Man who parted away from wife for a long time dreamt of his house is full of glaring light, he will be able to meet with wife soon.

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