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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dream of Angel

If you dreamt of a silent angel without speaking, you will have good luck.

If you dreamt about speaking with an angel, it indicates either death, severe illness or fall into difficulty.

If you dreamt of far away angel, you got to change your bad behaviour, otherwise there will be disaster ahead.

Pregnant lady dreamt of angel, will give birth to an outstanding baby. The baby will become either a wiseman or religious guru, or a millionaire.

Young girl dreamt of angel, will get marry with her ideal Mr. Right.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dream of Hell

If you dreamt of entered into hell, you are in deep shit.

If you dreamt of being expelled from hell, you will avoid an accident.

If you dreamt of meet up with friend in hell, your friend and you will have a happy life.

Dream of Heaven

Patient dreamt of heaven, will live in a carefree and happy life for a long time.

Prisoner sentenced to death dreamt of heaven, might be able to escape from death.

Businessman dreamt of heaven, will make a good fortune. The goods sold will have great demand.

Traveller dreamt of being in the heaven, will have a smooth journey, and make a fortune at the destination.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dream of Confession

If you dreamt of enemy making confession, they will be your permanent enemy.

Student dreamt of making confession, will score good result in examination, and will be awarded with scholarship due to excellent talent.

Patient dreamt of making confession, illness will get worse.

Abstinent people dreamt of making confession, will become national leader, and fighting for the benefit of nation and people with his wisdom.

If you dreamt of friend making confession, you will get help from stranger during emergency.

Worker dreamt of making confession, will be praised by superior and get promotion.

Married woman dreamt of making confession, will be happy since husband and children are all healthy.

Capitalist or rich people dreamt of making confession, will have sudden drop in income, and possible to leave to another place. However, poor people dreamt of making confession, will be getting rich.

If you dreamt of somebody died during confession, it is a good sign, your life will encounter a good cornerstone and become much better.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dream of Devil

Devil is enemy. Devil in dream indicates danger and enemy.

If you dreamt of devil, you will encounter danger.

If you dreamt about talking with devil, it indicates that you are going to do something foolish.

If you dreamt about devil talking with others, it indicates that your enemies will join up together and form a big threat to you.

If you dreamt about fighting with devil, it in an inauspicious sign, it indicates that your enemy will incur lost on you.